Jessica Alba Talks Babies at the Today Show
A glowing Jessica Alba made a special appearance on the 'Today Show' this morning to talk babies, Cash, and marriage. Here's some highlights from the interview...
On being a real-life mother:
“I’ve always loved kids and I’ve always wanted kids. It’s kind of perfect.”
On her body changing during pregnancy:
“I’m good now. I’m past the nauseous stage. It wasn’t morning sickness, it was definitely all day sickness. And I was shooting a comedy at the time! You definitely have to go with the flow. You definitely have to surrender. But it’s a shock to a system. Again, I’ve never been one to emphasize anything on my looks or anything. It was just the polls, the magazines, they do it. It was never my thing. So I really don’t care.”
On her first foray into the horror film genre:
“I love horror movies. I love psychological thrillers. I love the fact nobody is being mutilated. Thirteen-year-olds can go and watch this movie. It’s a good, classic ghost story.”
On her marriage plans with fiancé Cash Warren:
“Ummm … I’ve thought about it.”